About Health, Nutrition and Natural Bodybuilding Bodybuilder Weight Loss Exercises ===>About Health, Nutrition, and Natural Weight Loss Exercises... In that light, these are the things Williams suggests that entrepreneurs do every day:
1. Do some form of exercise every day. Stress causes your body to act in a certain way, Williams says, and the cornerstone of an entrepreneurial existence is, unfortunately, stress.
The body’s stress hormone, cortisol, is a “muscle-wasting/fat-storing” hormone. Cortisol attacks muscle fibers and converts them to glycogen (as emergency fuel for “fight or flight” response).

“Scientifically, it’s as if you’ve eaten straight sugar,” Williams says. “The pancreas pumps out insulin in response to glycogen, converts it to triglycerides, and pumps it into the fat cells.

Stress can make you fatter without eating a morsel of food.” In addition to its many other benefits, exercise is especially beneficial for releasing the hormones that ease and counter entrepreneurial stress... 2. Stretch. Every day. Even a little bit of cardio is useful, says Williams, but it is critical before even a short cardio effort or workout to warm up at least a bit and then stretch.

“Eighty percent of injuries occur within the first 10 minutes of a workout because people fail to warm their muscles up first and then stretch,” Williams says.
Run or jog lightly for a few minutes, slow to a fast walk, stretch the muscles, then work them out. “Muscles are similar to rubber bands,” he says.

“If they’re warm, they’ll stretch, but if they’re cold they’re more apt to pop and break.” And stretching is beneficial for releasing the tension that resides in stressed-out muscles as well.
3. To increase leanness, never eat a carbohydrate alone. All carbohydrates convert to sugar, which spikes glucose, then brings blood sugar down and converts to triglycerides, Williams says.

A simple carbohydrate, by itself, will make a body get fatter. Instead, eat proper combinations of food. Eat a carb, a protein, and an essential fatty acid together. Even if you eat 2-3 times more calories, Williams says, your body will use the calories more effectively if you can stick to this one simple rule.
4. Avoid additives and chemicals.
It is more than a principle” to limit your exposure to the many additives in today's processed foods. The chemicals in our food and water are fat-loss resistant, Williams explains.
For example, if you have two people with the same body types and same metabolism go on a program and one loses 2 pounds and the other goes down by 20, you may be observing a body that is fat-loss resistant due to the chemicals that are present in our water and food.

Estrogen mimickers form a molecule that mimics estrogen. The body treats the resulting compound like estrogen and converts the calories into body-fat.

These chemicals are in our water, our medication (such as heart or depression medications). If you see a man or a boy with gynecomastia (breast tissue or even lactating) it’s a sign of this issue.

“Sixty percent of men suffer from fatty tissue around their chests because of estrogen mimickers,” Williams says. Likewise, aspartame, aspartic acid, and MSG are chemicals that cause us to gain body-fat. 5. Limit refined sugar. Refined sugars are horrible as “false energy” for entrepreneurs who are working to maintain maximum effectiveness and healthy leanness and weight.

Business Success... Make more me-time,
6. Make time for you-time exercise and nourishment, too. Your mind, this mental-exercise may include getting down on your knees every day to spend time in contemplation and me-time that will nourish your mental-health, you must make time for yourself also.
This can also include meditation, reading your favorite books, inspiring messages. music, and things you enjoy doing gardening, art, sewing, hair, and makeup, shopping, you-name-it! Because this restores and energizes your mental health. Entrepreneurs who feed their mind on a regular basis experience much more happiness and also better business success...
Can you think of what it is you like, to do in your spear time?
to make more you-time... 7. Believe in your dreams. A positive belief system is vital to a healthy
spirit, Williams believes. For entrepreneurs, he notes the best successes of all come to those who believe in a dream fully enough to turn it into their work and their passion.

“If what you love to do can end up becoming your
job/career you’ll never have to work again,” Williams says.
It is one of the key principles he has learned to live by as well. “My work is my vacation.
It’s fun for me.”

“Now you view them as doors—turn them into inroads to what you really want.” 8. In the face of adversity,
you can learn to turn “walls” into “doors.”

“In my younger years I was faced with so many walls,” Williams says. “Now I view them as doors—turn them into inroads to what I wanted.”

Another way of looking at that principle is to memorize the phrase
“So what did that just open up for you?”
If an employee has stolen, for example, or a partner has behaved with dishonesty, “So what did that just open up for you?” is a way to recognize the occurrence as a blessing and an opportunity to clear the impediments away quickly and become a stronger organization than before.
In all, it is clear that physical and Mental health function best when they are working together...
In addition to these observations, we welcome the addition of your suggestions in the comment section below. Thanks!

===>The Strongest Entrepreneurs Do These 8 Things "Every Day"
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How to Form a New Habit (in 8 Easy Steps)

Tired of setting goals and not achieving them?

The trick is to chip away at your goal in small, incremental steps.

In other words, when you know how to form a new habit (related to your goal), then you can turn success into a series of daily actions.

We’ve taken the process of building habits and turned it into a simple eight-step process that you can immediately implement.
Let’s get to it…

Step 1: Focus on One New Habit

If you want to know how to form a new habit the biggest topic you need to understand is ego depletion and how it holds you back.

Ego depletion is “a person’s diminished capacity to regulate their thoughts, feelings, and actions."

It impacts our ability to form new habits because our supply of willpower is spread out among all the areas of our lives.

Because of this, it’s important to work on only one habit at a time. That way, your store of willpower can be channeled into completing that one habit, increasing the odds of success.

So the question is:

“What one new habit do you want to form?"

Identify it now and learn everything you can about how to do it right. Become an expert in this activity and do a deep dive on every content related to getting started.

For instance, one of my main habits is writing. This is something that I do every day, and I’m always working hard to get better at it on a daily basis.

The important point thing here is to identify a habit you can do all the time, something that will fit into your life and can be completed on a daily basis, even when you don’t feel like it.
Because of ego depletion, it’s important to work on only one habit at a time. That way, your store of willpower can be channeled into completing that one habit, increasing the odds of success.

Step 2: Form a new habit?

Commit for a MINIMUM of 30 days.

Some people say it takes 21 days to build a habit, while others claim it takes up to 66 days. The truth is that the length of time really varies from person to person and habit to habit. You’ll find that some habits are easy to build while others require more effort. My advice is to commit to a specific habit for the next 30 days (or a month to keep it simple).

During this time, your entire life should be structured around carving out time every day to consistently do it.

Step 3: Anchor Your New Habit to an Established Habit

A habit shouldn’t be based upon motivation, fads, or temporary desire. Rather, it should be instilled in your life to the point it becomes habitual. This often means you do not need a sophisticate series of steps—just something you can commit to day in and day out… FOREVER.

A great example of this comes from B.J. Fogg and his “Tiny Habits" concept. What you want to do is to commit to a very small habit change and take baby steps as you build on it. An important aspect of his teaching is to “anchor" the new habit to something you already do on a daily basis.

  • “After I get to my car from work, I will change into my workout clothes and walk for 10 minutes."
  • “After brushing my teeth at night, I will write down everything that I ate for the day."
  • “After I drop off the kids at the babysitter, I will stop by the gym for my yoga class."

You get the idea. Simply find a habit you already consistently do and then anchor it with a new behavior.

Step 4: Take Baby Steps

The key to habit developing is to make micro-commitments and focus on small wins.

The danger of relying on motivation alone to form a new habit is that you don’t have a backup plan for when you’re not in the mood. Really, the only way to make a habit stick is to turn it into automatic behavior. You can do this by taking baby steps and creating a low level of commitment.

The idea here is to create a micro-commitment where it’s impossible to fail. It’s more important to stay consistent and not miss a day than it is to hit a specific milestone. What you’ll find is that when you have a low level of commitment, you’ll be more likely to get started.

Examples of zeroing in on a micro-commitment include:

  • Walking for just 5 minutes a day.
  • Writing one paragraph of your book.
  • Eating one serving of vegetables each day.
  • Making one sales call to a prospective customer.
  • Waking up each morning 10 minute earlier.

The key to habit developing is to make micro-commitments and focus on small wins. Create a micro-commitment where it’s impossible to fail.

Odds are, these activities seem overly simplistic.

And that’s why they are so powerful!

You want to commit to something so easy that it’s impossible to miss a day. Then, when you get started, you’ll often do more than you intended.

Step 5: Make a Plan for Obstacles

Every new habit will have obstacles. A large portion of the DGH site is dedicated to working your way through the stumbling blocks that get in the way of your success. When you know in advance what your obstacles are, you can take preventative action to overcome them.

Examples of common obstacles:

  1. Time
  2. Pain
  3. Weather
  4. Space
  5. Costs
  6. Self-consciousness

Prepare and anticipate that these obstacles will come. Then, you won’t be blindsided by them. This goes back to the “If-Then Planning" we discussed. Some examples of these powerful “If-Then" statements include:

  • “If I check the weather and it’s raining, then I will work out at the gym instead."
  • “If I don’t have time for my project at the end of the day, I will start to wake up 30 minutes and work on it before anything else."
  • “If I have a really bad day at work and don’t feel like working out, I will still walk briskly for at least 15 minutes."

Step 6: Create Accountability for Your Habit

Track your efforts and make public declarations about your new habit. According to the lessons learned from the Hawthorne effect, you’re more likely to follow through with a commitment when you’re being observed by others. To stick with this new routine, you should let others know about your efforts and goals.

Post updates on social media accounts, use apps like Chains and to track your progress, work with an accountability partner, or post regular updates to an online community related to the habit. Do whatever it takes to get reinforcement from others in support of your new routine.

Never underestimate the power of social approval. Simply knowing you will be held accountable for your habit keeps you focused and consistent.

Step 7: Reward Important Milestones

A new habit doesn’t have to be boring. Focus on building a reward system into the process so you can take time to celebrate the successful completion of your goals. The reward you pick is up to you, but it’s important to celebrate those big moments along the way.

Keep in mind, a reward doesn’t have to break the bank. You could check out a new movie, enjoy a night out with your significant other, or simply do something you love.

We tend to underestimate the importance of having “fun" while building habits. Often, though, having a clear reward for regularly completing an action will help you to stick to the new routine.

Focus on building a reward system into the process so you can take time to celebrate the successful completion of your goals.

Step 8: Build a New Identity

Repeating a habit on a daily basis will only get you so far. You can do a lot by committing to a small action, doing it every day, increasing the effort over time and overcoming obstacles.

But at some point, you need to go from simply doing it every day to making it a part of your core identity. Only then will you stick to it without the constant need for reinforcement.

James Clear often talks about something he calls Identity-Based Habits. The idea here is that you can build a lasting habit by making it a reflection of who you are on the inside. Simply put, you need to believe the habit is part of what makes YOU a unique person.

He emphasizes the fact that most goals (and habits) are centered on a specific outcome (like generating a specific level of income or winning industry-specific accolades).

It’s better to decide that the habit is simply part of your identity and then use each “small win" as a way to demonstrate that it’s who you are on the inside.

Really, it starts with a shift of mindset.

With a new habit, reinforce this behavior by saying things like: “I’m the type of person who regularly enjoys the ___ type of exercise."

Then, follow through by doing it on a daily basis.

Eventually, your internal identity will match this daily routine.


As you can see, it’s not that hard to form a new habit. The secret is to relate to an important goal, make a commitment to work at it on a daily basis and use a series of micro-commitments to increase the likelihood of success.

Now it’s your turn. What has been your experience with building habits in the past? Did you encounter any specific challenges or obstacles?

Comment in the below box and let me know what you think!

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