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WATCH: Disabled Kurd trains daily, dreams of competing in fitness competition
“My main goal is to compete in a bodybuilding competition. First, locally within the Kurdistan Region and then perhaps on the international stage.”
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WATCH: Disabled Kurd trains daily, dreams of competing in fitness competition
“My main goal is to compete in a bodybuilding competition. First, locally within the Kurdistan Region and then perhaps on the international stage.”
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Barre3 is Redefining What Success in Fitness Means With Brand Relaunch and a Revolutionary Challenge
Barre3 is Redefining What Success in Fitness Means With Brand Relaunch and a Revolutionary Challenge
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Want to Lose Weight? Pay Attention to Body Composition
If you're like most Americans, you'll probably set a New Year's resolution to lose weight. But monitoring your body composition is a better way to get healthy.
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Mysteries of Exercise
Although the benefits of exercise are espoused daily in classes, newspapers, journals and on TV, less information has been dispersed regarding the underlying mechanisms causing these physiological changes. The responsibility of fitness instructors and personal trainers to their clients has grown vastly in the last few years. Being able to explain why and how certain physiological phenomena occur, from the regular participation in exercise, has become more of a daily necessity. This article will examine and explain some of the mechanisms how exercise may influence several bodily processes.
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UC HealthNews : HEALTH LINE: Targeted Exercise Benefits Parkinson
Can exercise help people with Parkinson’s disease? Nurse practitioner Maureen Gartner, MSN, answers with an emphatic "Yes!"
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UC HealthNews : Be Fit Program Personalizes Nutrition, Exercise Plans for Cancer Survivors
The UC Cancer Institute Survivorship Program’s Be Fit creates an individualized nutrition and exercise plan for survivors and helps them throughout recovery and beyond.
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9 wellness trends to watch in 2019
Is cauliflower the new kale and are at-home workouts the new studio classes? You have probably already seen celery juice all over your Instagram feed, and 2019 may be the year you see it everywhere else too, from restaurant menus to your local grocery store.
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Styku, Creator of World's Most Powerful 3D Body Scanner, Celebrates Record Growth in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
Styku, the leader in 3D body scanning and shape analysis, celebrates its five-year anniversary of providing portable and cost-effective body scanning technology to lifestyle markets. A recent pivot towards ...
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