The Ripple Effect - Dr Greg Wells

In his new book, Dr. Greg Wells offers concrete strategies on how to get better and stay better—not just for a few weeks or a few months, but for life. Optimal well-being is obtained through a commitment to the “holy trinity” of healthy living—eating better, moving better, sleeping better. Together these lead to peak physical performance.

With tremendous insight into the physiology of the human body and the reasons mankind has evolved the way it has, The Ripple Effect exposes exercise and diet myths, inspiring you and leading you on a clear path to achieving a health and fitness transformation. With small—and very achievable—daily changes in your life, you'll see the incredible effects of aggregate gains that professional athletes know.

You'll learn how:

  • Eating broccoli provides the body with more protein per calorie than eating steak

  • Using one teaspoon less of sugar per day would help you lose four pounds of fat per year

  • Walking for fifteen minutes per day decreases your risk of cancer by fifty per cent

  • Playing games like tennis can prevent Alzheimer’s disease

  • Losing ninety minutes of sleep reduces daytime alertness by nearly a third

  • Replacing an hour of television with an hour of sleep could help you lose over fourteen pounds in a year

And much more.

Dr Greg Wells talks The Ripple Effect Sleep Better, Eat Better, Move Better, Think Better
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What everyday people can learn from the habits of elite athletes - NY Daily News
Some of the training methods elite athletes subscribe to aren't that difficult to incorporate into your lifestyle.
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What everyday people can learn from the habits of elite athletes

Dr. Greg Wells is an authority on high performance and human physiology. Wells' latest book, "The Ripple Effect: Eat, Sleep, Move and Think Better," hit shelves earlier this year. Dr. Wells is an Assistant Professor of Kinesiology at the University of ...

What everyday people can learn from the habits of elite athletes



JUN 05, 2017 | 3:00 PM

Some of the training methods elite athletes subscribe to aren't that difficult to incorporate into your lifestyle. (Sipkin, Corey, New York Daily Ne/New York Daily News)

As a child you may have harbored dreams of becoming a superstar on the basketball court, winning the gold in Olympic gymnastics, or throwing a touchdown pass in the Super Bowl.

Then time passed, your athletic prowess never quite matched your imagination, and the dreams faded as you launched yourself into the adult world of daily work and family responsibilities.

But even if your vision of becoming an elite athlete failed to reach fruition, you can still improve your life by imitating a few training tips from those who did make it.

After all, when you're active and take care of yourself physically, you'll do a better job at work and in life because regular exercise also helps keep the brain sharp.

The fact is some of the training methods elite athletes subscribe to aren't that difficult to incorporate into your lifestyle — as long as you do them at your pace and not Usain Bolt's.

For example, one habit worth imitating is getting enough sleep. Elite athletes like to get at least eight hours of sleep and then wake up early to work out. (It's an elite athlete version of that old "early to bed, early to rise" thing.)

They also like to lift heavy weights, perform dynamic exercises and hire fitness specialists to keep them on track.

You could do all of those things with the same enthusiasm they muster, if not always with the same grace, style and strength.

Of course, many people come nowhere near imitating elite athletes. There is a world health crisis taking place and it's being caused by three main factors that are the exact opposite of what an elite athlete would do:

Poor sleep. Drive by a large office complex late in the evening or early in the morning and you can usually see lights on. In an effort to get ahead — or more likely just keep up — people sacrifice the sleep that's so important if they want to perform at the highest level.

Those who are able to get between seven and eight hours of sleep at night have a reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Good sleep helps strengthen the immune system, boosts problem-solving and creativity, reduces stress, builds muscle, regulates appetite and helps us manage mental and emotional health.

Lack of physical activity. A 2015 University of Cambridge study found that twice as many deaths may be attributable to lack of physical activity compared with the number of deaths attributable to obesity.

So it's important to add some physical activity to your daily regimen, such as walking, playing tennis or riding a bicycle. As little as 15 minutes of exercise per day has been shown to have tremendous benefits for your physical and mental health.

Poor nutrition. Poor nutritional habits can lead to short-term and long-term negative effects on the body. Those bad habits include under- or over-eating, not eating enough of the healthy foods we need each day, or consuming too many types of food that are high in bad fats, salt or simple sugars.

The short-term effects of these poor eating habits include stress, fatigue and illness, while long-term effects include tooth decay, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and even some forms of cancer.

Make sure that you focus on eating nutrient-dense foods, not calorie-dense foods. Simply eat more veggies and fruits, and have less soda and junk food. Micro changes add up over time and can make a huge difference in your health and performance.

With summer approaching, this is a great time to get moving on your physical fitness plans, while concentrating on maintaining a healthy sleeping pattern, getting physically active and incorporating healthy foods into your diet.

Just like that elite athlete you once dreamed about becoming!

Dr. Greg Wells is an authority on high performance and human physiology. Wells' latest book, "The Ripple Effect: Eat, Sleep, Move and Think Better," hit shelves earlier this year. Dr. Wells is an Assistant Professor of Kinesiology at the University of Toronto where he studies elite sport performance. He also serves as an Associate Scientist of Translational Medicine at The Hospital for Sick Children, where he leads the Exercise Medicine Research Program.

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