WallpaperTag helps you to find the best wallpapers for popular resolutions and devices. We've picked backgrounds and have created a lot of interesting collections, like Star War wallpapers, 4k wallpapers, minecraft backgrounds and many more. We hope you'll enjoy discovering the project and will find several gems which is personally fit for you. When your mind is cluttered, a good rule of thumb is to clean up your workspace. A clean desk is a happy mind. The same can be applied to your smartphone or PC (after all, think about how much time you actually spend on your mobile phone). Having a cluttered desktop or background on your Android or iPhone can feel claustrophobic, so what better way to begin wiping the slate clean than with an awesome new, full HD wallpaper? But maybe you don’t need to start from a clean slate. Maybe you’re bored with your phone and you’re just looking for something new to spruce things up a bit. This is where backgrounds truly shine. If you’re familiar with theming your device, you probably already realize how crucial your phone or computer’s background can be when it comes to bringing together your new icon pack or widgets. And even if you’re not looking to redo your entire homescreen, a simple wallpaper change could be all you need to breathe a bit of fresh air. The hunt for the perfect wallpaper can be long and arduous. There are a lot of resources out there to search through, but spending all of that time in multiple places is cumbersome. That’s why we’ve assembled a curated collection of the best wallpapers no matter if you’re running an Android phone, iPhone, tablet or PC. Here’s a list of what screen resolutions we support along with popular devices that support them: 1920x1080 Full HD, 1080p , 1366x768 HD , 1280x1024 5:4 Desktop Display , 1440x900 Widescreen 16:10 , 1600x900 Widescreen 16:9 , 720x1280 Android, Smartphone, Samsung Galaxy S3 , 1080x1920 iPhone 6 Plus, 6S Plus, Samsung Galaxy S4 , 640x1136 iPhone 5, 5S, SE , 480x854 Sony Xperia E3, Nokia Lumia 530, 630 .