Kindergarten Readiness Efforts toward improving kindergarten readiness are being led by the Children’s Institute through our School Readiness CAN, which has been renamed the School Readiness Outcome Team. In the new framework, adopted by Conveners in 2017, Outcome Teams will lead efforts to identify contributing factors for each of the outcomes, identify which factors are most important, and assess which are being addressed by existing organizations and identify gaps. Newly developed Strategy Teams will create gap closure plans, implement actions and track metrics for implementation, and review progress to maintain gains. The School Readiness Outcome Team has spent the last quarter reviewing and revising the outcome team's strategic plan with a re-visioning in the final stages. Key tactics and outcomes have been reviewed and new directions articulated to keep the group's collective efforts focused on READY CHILD, READY COMMUNITY, READY FAMILY, READY SCHOOLS. As a result of the 5-year